Two firsts

If Chris Anderson gets credit for launching the first authored monograph photography book for the iPad, then I get credit for being the first book nerd holding up an authored iPad photography book to the camera. Jealous?

Interview with Chris here

Buy it here (it is $5 and really cool)

11 Replies to “Two firsts”

  1. Im interested on your thoughts on this Alec, Im a firm believer that Photography books & Children’s books should never be adapted to an iPad. Or a portfolio either for that matter, I mean what separates us as artist/photographers? I have to admit I have no experience viewing books on an iPad, But it just seems very impersonal to me.

  2. Tim, I think it is fantastic. The hard copy costs $75. Many people can’t afford that. For five dollars students and others get to experience the book. Maybe it isn’t the complete experience of holding the object in your hands, but at least viewers get to see the proper sequence. And the bonus videos are cool too.

      1. George Im not against it personally, I just think it would be nice to have it as a compliment book at a additional 5 or 10$ To me there is nothing better then holding a book and viewing it. I think if it is the future the day people start doing that type of book exclusively is far off. I don’t see the fine art book or children’s books going that way for what its worth.

  3. Ahh, Okay, Sorry not aware of a hard copy. I can see that being a cool way for people like me who loves photography books, but cant afford 950$ for a rare book. The Music business is kinda doing that with the digital booklet when you buy a CD from iTunes. To me, From Here to There, would not be the same on an iPad though. Thank you for clearing that up Alec.

  4. i wouldn’t be too fast to judge this negatively, while i realise as a bookmaker and typographer that a book is a unique “object”, i’d buy and i-pad in a second if i could get hold of some of those expensive and illusive photobooks for it. how many people have a budget for a stack of steidl, aperture etc. books anually?

    looks like what happened the music business, you may not like it if your a record company, but that i-pod is here to stay, adapt or bye-bye.

    i hear in an icp interview that mr soth would like to share his library, well here you go, start and electronic archive, i’ve got some rare photobooks i’d happily contribute and i’m sure we’d all love to see.

    1. Im not judging it in a negative light, I just think the rush to self publishing and digital books will actually give paper books more “value” thus making them harder to get your hands on and making them more of a “fetish” type thing & more expensive. Kinda like rare vinyl records. I don’t think it should be available to everyone. I would just like to see it used in a way that is complementary to a hard book not a stand alone for “new” books. Technology
      is putting the playing field more level but that doesn’t make it a good thing either. Im just concerned that the “self published” web books in the hands of the wrong people will water down the importance of print books.

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