Rabbit Books

When I was young my mother collected antiques. She specialized in antique rabbit items. She had rabbit chocolate molds, rabbit furniture for children, stuffed rabbit toys, but my favorite was a little book named: Four Little Bunnies.

While I was in Japan I met a rabbit named Goma. I am now obsessed with rabbits and photographers who make books and photographs about rabbits.

This is a beautiful rabbit photo by Rinko Kawauchi

And this is the new In Almost Every Picture 8. Its the story of Oolong a Japanese rabbit.

Does anyone know of any other good photography books about rabbits?

13 Replies to “Rabbit Books”

  1. I love Oolong under nori. Looks almost like Alec’s camouflage!

    You know, off the top of my head I can hardly think of any photographs of rabbits, except a beauty Tom Arndt took of a girl holding her State Fair bunny. Almost too poignant to look at, but the girl has a look of toughness that saves it.

    Perfect seasonal fare, CET. Nicely chosen.


  2. Christian, Angora looks like a great book, but what a sad story. LRM that books scares me, the rabbit looks possessed. George, thanks for the photo recommendation. Margaret where do I find Rosemarie Trockel’s Loffel + Mirabelle? Marc, I love the rabbit photo, what a great rabbit dress!


  3. CET….

    well, it aint a photobook (illustration) but my favorite books on bunnies are Pilkey’s “Dumb Bunnies” Series….(his captain underwear aint bad either ;))))) )…..


    gotta read…at the time when i would read them to my newphew (4 at the time) and my son (6 at the time), the result was genuis….

    and those magnificent front teeth :)))


  4. I’m very fond of hasenpfeffer. Otherwise, bunnies don’t do much for me. Too many of them eating up valuable foliage around my place. Almost as bad as deer. OG

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