Postcards From America

I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about the new Magnum project, Postcards From America. This May, I’m going to be joining four other photographers (Jim Goldberg, Susan Meiselas, Chris Anderson, Mikhael Subotzky) and the writer Ginger Strand for a two week road trip from San Antonio to Oakland.

This is a unique project for Magnum. We are working collaboratively and are hoping to engage much more directly with our audience. At the beginning of the trip we will be doing a public event at the Harry Ransom Center in Austin. And at the end we’re going to do a pop-up exhibition somewhere in Oakland.

We also hope to connect with people during the run of the trip in a variety of ways:

  • On our project website you can sign up to receive postcards from the photographers or a limited edition book/prints from the trip.
  • You can follow our progress on our Tumblr blog (and also on Facebook and Twitter).
  • Through our Flickr page, you can contribute your own images of America.

Cool, right?


Two firsts

If Chris Anderson gets credit for launching the first authored monograph photography book for the iPad, then I get credit for being the first book nerd holding up an authored iPad photography book to the camera. Jealous?

Interview with Chris here

Buy it here (it is $5 and really cool)

Conductors of the Moving World


I’m excited to announce the release of our new book, Conductors of the Moving World, by Brad Zellar. The third in our series of books inspired by Little Golden Books, this is our most extravagant publication to date. Combining the beautiful snapshots of Japanese Police Inspector Eizo Ota with the Koan-like text of Brad Zellar, the result is a Zen travelogue through 1972 America. (more info on the book here).

What puts this book over the top is the design by Hans Seeger. Though still as compact as our previous publications, Conductors of the Moving World includes 17 original hand-tipped C-Print photographs and one business card. It is stunningly beautiful. Moreover, each copy is unique. The 17 images in each book are chosen from a larger pool of 60 and then sequenced according to chance. (A math professor at Northwestern has told us that there are over sextillion different possible variations).

I’m also thrilled to announce that everyone involved (the Ota family, Brad Zellar, LBM) has agreed that all proceeds from Conductors of the Moving World go to Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami relief. Additionally, Brad Zellar and LBM will be doing a booksigning at The International Center For Photography on Friday, March 18, 6:00pm–7:30pm. ICP has also generously agreed to to give all proceeds to Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami relief.

This book has been a fantastic labor of love. It has taken us days just to insert the prints into 100 copies of the book. I’m so proud of this book and everyone involved:

Buy the book here:


2 New Books!

Lonely Boy Mag. (No. A-1: Alec Soth’s Midwestern Exotica)
Edition of 1000
Designed by Alec Soth
Publication date, March, 2011
64 pages, 5.4×8.5in, color offset, staple-bound
$18 Buy it here

The first in a series of men’s magazines, this issue features poetry, erotic text, pictures of ex-girlfriends and a photo-story by Soth.

More pictures here

Conductors of the Moving World
by Brad Zellar
Edition of 500
Designed by Hans Seeger
Publication date, March 2011
30 pages, french-folded, 6.625×7.875in, custom side stapled
B/W offset with 17 hand-tipped, color photographs

$55 All proceeds go to Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami relief. Buy it here

More images here

In the autumn of 1972, a delegation of Japanese police officials visited the United States to study traffic control in several large cities, including New York, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. The unofficial photographer for the delegation was Eizo Ota, an inspector with the law enforcement department of the Yamanashi Prefecture, and he produced a record of the group’s travels that might best be described as forensic tourism.

Using Inspector Ota’s snapshots as launching points, Brad Zellar plundered traffic manuals, haiku anthologies, the Watergate transcripts, and The Godfather for textual inspiration. The mysterious result is a Zen travelogue through 1972 America.

From a collection of 60 C-Prints, a mix-and-match assortment of 17 will be hand-tipped into individual volumes, making each book a singular work of art.

$55 All proceeds go to Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami relief. Buy it here

Recently received / Desperate Cars / Desperate for time

On our Facebook and Tumblr pages, we give a nod to new books sent to us. I stole this idea from the great poetry blogger, Ron Sillman. I love receiving these books, but also feel a little guilty. I don’t have time to write to these generous contributors and give proper feedback. But I do look at everything that comes in. (If you look at my recent top 10+ list, a number of these books are unsolicited gifts).

One of the books on the list was Sebastien Girard’s Desperate Cars. This is an excellent book that deserves attention. Thank God for 5b4. Jeff Ladd just wrote an excellent review of this book.

Here at LBM we’re all a bit desperate for time (note the baby above). In two weeks we have two new books coming out. And down the hall Big Al’s is taking life.

All of this is to say that I truly appreciate the books that are sent and regret that I cannot give them more attention. But in the years to come I’m hoping to figure out a way to make our library accessible to more people. Perhaps an LBM Bookmobile?