Tonight I’ll join Rodarte (Kate and Laura Mulleavy) and Catherine Opie at the Hammer Museum to talk about our recently published book (conveniently titled Rodarte, Catherine Opie, Alec Soth). Believe it or not, I still haven’t met Kate & Laura, so it is a pretty exciting night. One of the things I’m eager to talk about about is the map above. It was made after Kate and Laura sent me a package of pictures and notes describing their creative influences (Condors, Horror Films, Sleepwalking, Hare Krishna’s, etc…). From this list I made a treasure map in which to explore California. It was an amazing trip. I felt like I was sleepwalking through Kate & Laura’s imagination. We’ll find out how well I did tonight.
Info on the talk here
An article about my contribution to the book here.
Some memories from the April 2010: Week 1, Week 2
very excited for tonight!
Hey Alec,
I was one of the many people that had you sign the book last night. Really enjoyed the evening. I totally forgot to ask if you are selling or giving away the map by chance? Would enjoy getting one if at all possible.
Again Thanks for all.
Happy Trails!!!
Cool idea, but I’m afraid no plans for that at this time. Thanks.