[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUcy8dBkpmw&w=640&h=390]
I’m thrilled that the documentary film, Somewhere To Disappear, is beginning to make its way out into the world. There are three screenings coming up soon:

MINNEAPOLIS: Monday, May 2nd, 7pm at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Film Festival. (I’ll be at the screening).

TORONTO: Thursday May 5th at 7pm and Saturday, May 7th at 1:15pm at the HotDocs Festival. (The filmmakers will be at the screening).

NEW YORK: Monday, May 9th at 8pm at The New School. (Both the filmmakers and I will be at the screening).

Bunny Photos

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about bunnies. One obvious reason is Easter, the other is the project I’m working on. For these reasons I wanted to share a few bunny photos. The first photo is from my project titled GOMA. This is a photo of GOMA the bunny. The photo was taken in Japan on Chigasaki beach about a year ago.

This next photo is also from Japan. It’s Jacob Aue Sobol’s photo of pouncing bunnies from his book I, Tokyo.

One of my favorite bunny photos ever was taken by Rinko Kawauchi

I showed this photo in my blog post last year about bunny books.

Departing from Japan and traveling to Brighton, England, is The Brighton Bunny Boy Zine. This is a great project by Alec, Carmen, and Gus Soth. Check out a review of the book here.

The last thing I want to share is a great little story written by the author of the Conductors of the Moving World, Brad Zellar. Read the story here.

Hot tip

In order to raise money for the Postcards From America project that I just announced, we are selling a few different items on the project website. After only a few hours, we’ve sold a bunch of the book/postcard sets. This edition is limited to 500 and we’re only selling 250 before the trip (the price will likely be raised afterward). Since some of the readers of this blog are avid book collectors, I suggest buying this one sooner than later. Order yours here.

Postcards From America

I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about the new Magnum project, Postcards From America. This May, I’m going to be joining four other photographers (Jim Goldberg, Susan Meiselas, Chris Anderson, Mikhael Subotzky) and the writer Ginger Strand for a two week road trip from San Antonio to Oakland.

This is a unique project for Magnum. We are working collaboratively and are hoping to engage much more directly with our audience. At the beginning of the trip we will be doing a public event at the Harry Ransom Center in Austin. And at the end we’re going to do a pop-up exhibition somewhere in Oakland.

We also hope to connect with people during the run of the trip in a variety of ways:

  • On our project website you can sign up to receive postcards from the photographers or a limited edition book/prints from the trip.
  • You can follow our progress on our Tumblr blog (and also on Facebook and Twitter).
  • Through our Flickr page, you can contribute your own images of America.

Cool, right?