See Little Brown Mushroom’s new acquisitions on Tumblr (and Facebook).
A review of Lost Boy Mountain
Social Shrooming
Want to see which plaid shirt the LBM team is wearing today? Visit Little Brown Miscellanea on Tumblr.
And befriend us on FaceBook. I know we aren’t the creative directors of Polaroid, but c’mon.
Alec Soth ♥ Flowers
Link Bonanza
Friday Filmstrip: Glass Jars by Alec Soth
We are happy to announce the LBM A/V Department. After a week of books and mushrooms, it’s nice to turn down the lights, kick back, and watch a little slideshow.
Our first strip is Alec Soth’s Glass Jars:
[vimeo w=600&h=398]
You can also see this film a little bit larger at our LBM A/V host.
The books are here, the books are here!
On the third day of Christmas
My true love gave to me:
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a thousand beautiful new zines.
Buy one here. Thanks,
First Book: Last Days
It is hard to believe that our first publication was produced over a year ago. Printed on newsprint to commemorate the end of an era, Alec Soth’s Last Days of W. was an experiment in DIY publishing.
Unfortunately we’re pretty much sold out.
Welcome to The Little Brown Mushroom Blog. This is a place to talk about good books (our own and others). Thanks for visiting,